Saturday, August 24, 2024

How Legit Is This Knife Worry In Germany?

 There are three German prospectives to this.

First, throughout the 1980s and 1990s.....I just don't recall hearing of any knife-threats or knife-assaults.  Maybe they occurred and the police simply didn't report it.

Second, if you live in a town of 10,000 or less....there's zero reports of incidents like this.  It's mostly in towns like Bremen, Frankfurt, Berlin, Dusseldorf, and such (the mega-cities of Germany).  I'd say it's part of urbanization.

Third, the 'cure'? the summer of 2025, with the national election coming up....I expect a national knife ban situation to occur, with frisks being the norm for five to ten years.  If I were a German policeman...I'd probably worry about this strategy and how many problems I run into....asking people to kindly accept a frisk.

All of this safety worry leading to more security requirements?  Well....I see it in my village for the yearly spring fest.  There's probably three times the normal amount of police man-power...compared to 20 years ago.  I see it in the shopping district.

Train stations more protected?  Yeah....that's another obvious sign.  Even on trains....I'd say one out of four trains running.....have some Bahn-security crew walking through....decked out in military-garb and armed.  That's something that never existed before 2000.

So yeah, it is legit as a worry, and I don't think it'll be easily going away.

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