Wednesday, August 14, 2024

15 August 2024: Six German News Stories

 1. Remember the ban on the right-wing magazine 'COMPACT' from like 10 days ago that I brought the Interior Ministery?

Well...a court stood up and said it is now 'unbanned'.  Their hype?  The ban was not proportional in nature.

Minister of Interior is the one looking bad at this point.  

2.  This talk of suspicion of water sabotage at the NATO base in Geilenkirchen?  So far, just suspicion.  This is the 2nd base (same general area)....first one from a day or two Cologne-Wahn.

More investigation over this.

Facts?  There is a cut-fence entry situation....door forced open at the water plant, and the initial analysis shows some change in the water.  Tests required, and it might be a day or two before they say what is in the water.

3.  German reporting over Ukraine entry into Kursk, Russia.  Some interview was done and there's a comment of a 'lot of dead Russian conscripts'.  Ukraine appears to  be holding territory still today.

4.  BSW Party taking a strong position against the storing of US cruise missiles in Germany.

5.  This terrorism business in Vienna with the Swift concert?  Cops have identified five people in the planning process at this point.

6. Curious thing....last night while watching commercial German tv....Ad comes up, for Playboy magazine.  First time ever that I've seen a TV ad.  

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