Thursday, August 15, 2024

Three Things

 1. Early this AM (Thursday)...climate activists broke through security at Bonn/Koln Airport and BER (Berlin's airport).  Operations temporarily shut-down.

2.  Interesting piece in WELT newspaper this AM.....numbers say that Germany has still not recovered from the Covid-era economic crisis, and things are stagnant (6th year by their data).  

Yeah, that would mean that the trend actually started two years prior to the arrival of Covid, and other issues were in play (if you believe the story).  And yes, that would be deep into the Merkel era.  

3.  Weird accident last night in Hamburg.  Six residents of a apartment building....gathered up on one balcony, and under the collapsed.  One guy in pretty serious condition.  Group fell 3 floors. 

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