Saturday, August 17, 2024

To Sum Up The Nord Stream II Pipeline Explosion Investigation

 The German prosecutors  have wrapped up the police report and put charges up on a Ukrainian master-diver.  On confidence-level?  I'd say they are seeing themselves near a '9' in terms of finishing the case and the 'crime'.

My observations?

First, I doubt that the master-diver will ever be caught and dragged to Germany.

Second, this story in some weird way....will help both the BSW and AfD Parties in next year's federal election.  Polling for BSW currently? 8.5-percent.  AfD?  18-percent.  I would imagine the combined amount for both....currently at 26.5-percent....will move up to 32-perent.  Both will go negative on the Ukraine for the explosion....getting the German public to react.

Third, it's just interesting that no one held the German police back and they laid out all the mistakes of the Ukraine crew on the sailboat.

Fourth and final....when this war ends....within six months, an agreement will likely occur to repair Nord Stream, and within a six-month period after that....sales of Russian natural gas will start back up.

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