Tuesday, August 27, 2024

27 August 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Interesting quote from a Focus interview with terror expert Rolf Tophoven....worth a read of the article.

Quote: “The dark figure of unknown perpetrators is now the greatest danger for Germany.”

It is the unknown, after the Solingen knife attack.....that draws a great deal of anxiety upon the general public of Germany.  I'll admit for five or six years now....I find  myself in public situations on the streets of Germany, and I'm in some active behavior of surveilling things around me.

2.  The one odd thing I noticed off the Solingen attack....ARD (Channel 1 of public TV) went to text-updates on the network, and had updates after 9 PM....which is a bit unusual.  

3.  Unusual FDP suggestion on migrants (will be hard to sell to Greens).  Idea is....if you fail asylum and the deportation order is given, all gov't benefits end, period.  

No housing, no food money, nothing.  

I don't see the Green Party (as the coalition partner) agreeing to this idea.  Selling it to the CDU/CSU, the SPD....pretty easy if you ask me.

4.  German citizen arrested on  entering Russia.  Crime?  He was carrying gold bars (13 of them).  Will be curious if confiscation is 100-percent.

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