Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Just Some Thoughts


Yesterday, I noticed that the EU's  Commissioner Thierry Breton wrote up a 'note-of-warning' to Elon Musk....over the interview of Donald Trump.

So the key points (it is a simple 1-pager....not some 10-pager)....there are 'key obligations' to be met....penalties may occur....a 'hint' that maybe you should not interview Trump....you have to prevent misinformation.

The letter has been on my mind since reading it a dozen hours ago.

So three observations:

1.  If the EU is that bothered over the 'talk' of one guy....then the open-talk of 20-million people should worry them to no end.  All of social media should be taken down....if it represents a threat to humanity.

2.  You only have misinformation....when words have been spoken.  Then you can evaluate the words.  To say one MIGHT be passing misinformation, but it has yet to occur....is illogical and serves no purpose.  

3.  I'll just say for Germans....the majority of people are capable enough to tell when BS (misinformation or disinformation) occurs.  If you asked a dozen Germans over political figures routinely passing disinformation.....at least half will grin and list two or three figures who BS people.

I can't speak to Italians or Greeks or Spanish folks....but I'd assume it's pretty close to the same 'feeling'.

Finally, I'll just say this....after all the Covid chatter of 2020/2021/2022....if you wanted to talk over the threat of disinformation or misinformation....it's a BIT too late, and folks aren't that hyped-up to listen to your warnings of today.

If the EU wants to save humanity....just dump all social media.  It's a simple fix....take down the internet to some degree and regulate people.  It's not a big deal unless you can't save humanity.  On my personal list of 55,488 priorities to accomplish....saving humanity probably doesn't come up until the last dozen items.

(Not to upset folks.....but if you saved humanity on a Monday....it's a pretty sure bet by Wednesday afternoon, you'd be called upon once again.  You'd have to put on some super-suit and make this a pretty regular profession.  OR, you'd just let  things blunder along like the past 40,000 years)

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