Sunday, August 4, 2024

4 August 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  WELT piece from yesterday......around 1,600 Ukrainian doctors have entered Germany since day one of the war and applied for doctor-status within Germany....very small percentage accepted so far.  Lot of questions coming up presently....with a shortage of doctors in'd think that the 16 states and federal gov't would have figured out a easier way to approve the status.

2.  Opinion piece in Felix Kuehn...makes for interesting reading.  He in Germany presently...means you need a daily dose of tranquilizers....because of the economy, stress, traffic, crime, climate change, etc.

He has a's different than in the 1980s.  If you sat down with most working-class Germans today....they all have three or four 'whines' which concern them, and just chugging down a beer no longer relieves the stress.

3.  Hell of a lot of flood damage in NW Hessen, from Friday's storm.

4.  African-swine flu noted just south of Frankfurt now.

5.  I watched a environmental piece off N-TV news yesterday....topic?  Zero interest in climate protection now noted in German society, with a fair number seeing E-cars "as an elite product for comfort ecologists."

I'd say in the fall of 2023....E-car purchases peaked out.  This is likely to be discussed a good bit as the fall 2025 election process opens up.  This Germany and EU mandate?  It's now a problem.

6.  Great opinion piece found in WELT this AM....written by Olaf Gersemann.  Topic?  Germany needs a new plan-B for industry.

He writes a great the country is being currently deindustrialized.  So he talks about the current Plan B....which is some massive 'green' transformation, which does not seem to be working.

He has a point, but so far...none of the political parties have found any 'magic' to reestablish industry in Germany.

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