Thursday, August 22, 2024

My Assessment Of The Kursk Invasion, Russia And The Future

 Four things:

1.  Hard to believe,  but this Kursk area is the 'Iowa'  of Russia, with ton of  fruit and vegetable production.  The Ukrainians walked in....during what would be the fall harvest....the local production level is screwed for September/October.  

If Russia doesn't act or recover by the end of harvest...there's to be a 'loss' for the consumer market (in the urbanization centers of Russia).   

If Russia doesn't act by April to recover and 'own' the territory?  Well....there's to be no crop production for 2025.

In simple shelves would start to be missing items.

2.  If this were early to mid-2022?  Well...they'd have tanks and personnel to mount a offensive and recover.

But at this point, neither the trained personnel, and the tank inventory isn't there.

So there's not that much of a offensive you can mount....unless you disengage from SE Ukraine, and send 50,000 troops north, with a fair amount of assets.

They could do this, but the question they want to take the step of weakening one front to make this happen.

3.  Whoever dreamed up this idea......probably has spent a lot of time in a US military-history situation....studying the American Civil War.  They knew it was a weak front, with marginally trained conscripts.

4.  If this hasn't been fixed by spring of 2025....economically, Russia goes to the next level down.  Putin needs some type of 'victory' to write his last chapter of leadership, and so far.....has gotten next to nothing.  

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