Thursday, August 15, 2024

Adding Up The Nord Stream II Charge Business?

 Basically, as the Germans have wrapped up the investigation....they can show a particular Ukrainian diving expert....came into Poland, and rented a boat, which was out in the affected area at the right time for the Nord Stream II blast.  

Convincing material?  Well....ONLY if you could get the guy to show up in court and be asked some questions.

I'm mostly of the opinion that he will never venture beyond Ukraine for the remainder of his life.

Even if he did do it.....was this an adventure on his own, or simply carrying out 'orders'?

Any of this a big deal with German society?  No.  Both public TV and commercial TV in Germany covered the story yesterday.  It's the type that will slide off by this weekend and be forgotten within two weeks.

Odds of Nord Stream being put back into order, if a treaty was worked out....ending the war?  Oh, I'd say within a year....the pipe would be repaired and Germans would be buying natural gas from Russia.  Driving force?  German industry needing cheap natural gas to 'perform'.

The one odd thing?  This whole bogus story of the US Navy involved and the story that Seymour Hersh laid out?  Totally false, and the Germans not buying into it at all.

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