Monday, August 26, 2024

26 August 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  The only thing that I can add to the Solingen knife story this AM?  ISIS came up with a video of the guy...making some kind of allegiance to the organization.  I probably should add....protesters showed up at the refugee 'center' in Solingen last night (not a big group but obvious).

This guy getting recently radicalized?  Yeah, it looks like in the past couple of months....he went this way.

2.  The Sunday night public forum show on ARD (public TV, Channel 1)?  The Caren Miosga Show?  Well....the topic was this knife incident in Solingen.  I guess the chief trend out of the hour-long show....the general agreement that the guy wasn't on anyone's radar, and the event was totally unexpected.

I'd say at the 30-minute point....the chat forum had wrapped up.  There's just not much you can change public  perception.

3.  Odd comment by Lars Klingbell (SPD Party 'boss')....“They (referring to the Islamic radicals) hate Germany because everyone can live freely here."

If you add up all the reasons that people leave their home-country....they start with some expectation that it's better elsewhere, but they never list these out and ask why is it better in x-country than the home-country.  

4.  Starting Tuesday....4-day strike by Discover Airways (tourist airline mostly out of Frankfurt).  If you had a package tour....probably a high chance you were flying with this group.

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