Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Three Curious Things

 1.  Early this AM (Wed)....a German federal prosecutor has launched charged against a Ukrainian diving instructor.....who is believed to be the guy who helped to organized the Nord Stream pipeline explosion.

Arrest warrant is out....whether they can 'get' him....unknown.

Denmark and Sweden?  They dropped the investigation almost 2 years ago.

2.  RTL TV news did a study of Afghans who have a visa to stay in Germany....claiming it is too dangerous to live in Afghanistan. shows....they regularly visit Afghanistan and their relatives.

The Interior Ministry?  They don't seem to notice or care.  Kina funny, if you think about it.

3.  Interior Ministry is about to give Fed-Police of Germany a 'power' to quietly/secretly enter homes of people on the 'watch' list (for terrorism).  Before this 'power' had to request action via a prosecutor and get approved by a judge.  

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