Sunday, August 18, 2024

Bag Chatter

 Back in the son and my wife made a big deal about the school back-pack deal.  

Getting a plain bag?  NO.  It had to be a particular brand....Eastpak.  This was the 'Mercedes' of school bags.

At the time, they were pursuing the idea of a 90-DM (roughly $45) bag.  About every two years....this discussion would come up.

By the time you added up the books, notebooks, pens and gear.....there was probably 700 DM spent ($350).

Today?  Well.....for the upscale Eastpak bags here in's in the 100 to 140 Euro range ($110 to $160), for the upper scale bags.   Even the moderate bags are nearing 75.

I sat and read through a WELT article this AM....talking over the problem of going cheap on the school bag and some kids now saying cheap bag give them a loser status.

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