Monday, August 5, 2024

What Brought The Civil Unrest Into The UK?

 Well....twenty-odd  years of crappy political leadership that seemed to always be turning a corner.  So after a 360-degree turn....they started on a second, third and fourth 360-degree turn.

Then, BREXIT came along....reassuring people that somehow....the same crappy leadership could tackle migration, economics, and trade issues....without that stupid EU idiots.  That failed.

Then both the election in 2017,  2019 and 2024....were supposed bring fresh new faces and fewer idiots....into Parliament.  Those failed.

Then around a dozen different plans with  the EU, France....on stopping the boats with migrants....that failed.

The Rwanda relocation plan?  That failed.

The deportation anywhere?  That failed.

The 50-different ways of re-prioritizing benefits for the lesser people or retirees?  That failed.

The idea that you could mount and control police enforcement to just one standard....well....that hasn't failed but it's hard to say it's not reaching two different ways of enforcing the law. 

I hate to say it....but it's like a Monty Python movie-script that has been written for a 175,000 hour saga.  


Bigus Macus said...

by Rudyard Kipling

Daz said...

Yes, but you're making the naïve assumption that the conservatives were trying to fix things, when all they did was lie about implementing funding whilst allowing everything to degrade as much as possible. Then they have an excuse to sell it off to their touch friends. Now we'll see a gradual reversal of this trend.

For instance, Labour are making the privately owned waste companies ceo's criminally liable for their illegal dumping of waste water.

The usual grifters will shriek and moan, but they have no solutions.