Wednesday, August 7, 2024

7 Aug 2024: Six German News Storiies

1.  Weather folks giving the 7-day forecast for my 'valley'.....says on Monday, temp will be 33 C (91.4 F)....highest temp of 2024 for the year so far.  

2.  SW of Krov....a hotel completely collapsed.  Nine folks missing at this point.  Authorities investigating.

3.  Focus piece this AM....analysis by Ulrich Reitz.  Topic?  "England riots are closer to us than you think.....time for a bitter realization."

I gave it a long read, and paused.  Basically...all the elements going on in the UK...exist in some part in Germany today.  No one is really accusing German police of two-tier enforcement of least not yet.  But if you asked over a unified society existing in Germany....most people would shake their head.

4.  There's a EU rule in effect...punishing car-makers if they exceed a magical-number.  So in the 2022 as an example....German car companies paid the EU around 3.7-billion Euro as their punishment.

Well....WELT wrote up a piece and said they've been reading over the regulation, and apparently....the collected money was illegal in nature.  EU odds of being taken to court?  I'd say it's near 50-50.  Do they still have the collected money from 2022 or 2023?  I seriously doubt it.

5.  WELT piece....German car companies currently operating at 2/3's capacity.  

6.  Green Party in Bavaria calling for all out-door cats to be castrated.

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