Sunday, August 25, 2024

This Odd Story About The Syrian Knife Guy In Solingen

 So....this Syrian guy was noted originally in the EU toward the end of Bulgaria.

Now....this matters.

Once he appeared in Germany and asked for asylum.....the Germans noted his paperwork, and by EU rules.....the first 'safe' country he arrives in...that's where he has to do the paperwork.

Well...the Germans decided after a review (early 2023)....he has to be deported to Bulgaria, and they agreed to take him back.

Shocking stuff at this point....the guy up and disappears in Germany.

When this 6-month period to be deported expired (Aug 2023)....he suddenly shows back up in Germany.

Now oddly the rules....he's offered protection (not to be sent to Bulgaria).

What's he done since August of 2023?  Unknown.  Residence during the period? Solingen.  

How this will be perceived by regular Germans?  He should have been deported to Bulgaria, period.  Then the question will many other folks fit into this situation....having disappeared for six months.

Where'd he go for the six months?  I'm  guessing folks will ask but no politician will dare answer the question.  

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