Tuesday, August 6, 2024

When You Talk About Being Unified

 If you'd asked me in the 1990s....which country in Europe was 'most-unified'....I probably would have said there's a index-issue here, and at that time....I'd say Greeks and Austrians were most unified as one single society of people. 

My index?  One-to-ten.....with the Greeks, Icelanders and Austrians being near '10'.  Where were the Germans in the 1990s on unified?  With my index......I would have given Germany (after the unification) a '6'....mostly because East and West Germans were each a bit different, and with the blend of Turks in West Germany....the '6' was the best grade I could give them.

The UK in the 1990s?  Well....you could bring up migration there, with a lot of incoming groups.....to which my index probably would have worked out somewhere between a '5' and '6'.

So what happened to unified numbers in the past 25 years?

Well...I'd still say that Greeks were near a '9' or '10'.  I might slide Poland, Czech and Hungary near a '9'.  

Germany today?  The East and West German thing is kinda fixed (they might argue over this)....but they've added various societies.  Near 29-percent of Germany is non-German.  If you count the Ukrainians who've arrived....it's in the 950,000 range.  Americans living or based in Germany?  Near 200,000.  

On my index?  I'd have to say Germany in terms of being unified.....is fairly close to a '6' at best.

France?  More or less the same story.  

But then we come to the UK.  Out of 67.6-million residents....55.6-million are born there....the rest are migrants.  If you were looking at efforts of integration....if you talk to a hundred people.....you get a hundred opinions.  People talk crime a good bit and it's one of those topics you'd be best to avoid.  

On my index level of being unified?  I'd give them a marginal  '3'.  Is there anyone to blame on this?  I'm not sure that it'd improve matters to assign blame.   

Being crappy as a unified 'state'?  Well....you need some cohesion to function as a government....otherwise, you end up constantly dragged into the 'dirt' and unable to make anyone happy.

An issue that ought to make people motivated to resolve?  You would think that.  

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