Saturday, August 17, 2024

17 August 2024: Six German News Stories

1.  Test done on the water for the two German military installations  broken into and sabotage was 'thought'.  NO....there was no sabotage.  However, yes, there was a cut in the fence.  

2.  I went to the Wiesbaden wine-fest Thursday.  Fairly warm...guys wearing shorts....gals wearing shorts/skirts. 

Just a lot of people with mosquito bites (bad bites....say like 20 on each leg)....I'd say one out ten percent of people had this situation.  The one odd thing I've noticed for summer of least around my valley area....mosquitos are just rare.  So I'm wondering where all these people were hanging out and got bit.

3.  Hyped-up chatter on various German news sites.....just a lot of Afghan folks in Germany with a visa....taking vacation trips back and forth to Afghanistan.  Actually developed tour packages/flights engaging in this.  Interior Ministry is now  interested and probably going to forbid the travel, or admit that Afghanistan is 'safe' and force people to move 'home'.

4.  Monkey Pox chatter is bumping up a notch in Germany.

5.  New INSA survey/poll done in Saxony.....AfD ahead of CDU now.  Greens, Linke and SPD all at five-percent (ify-situation if they can clear the 5-percent point).  BSW in 3rd place.

6.  BSW Party staking out a position for the national election next year.....they want Russian oil turned back on. 

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