Friday, August 2, 2024

2 Aug 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  There's a change coming on the membership of the Bundestag.  Savings?  125-million Euro a year.  They will go from 733 630 members...after the fall 2025 election.

2.  'Last Generation' climate activists blocked operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport Wed night. Three hour delay for cargo flight operations,

3.  A grand total of 26 prisoners were swapped yesterday....of  which five were Germans.  In addition....three were Americans, a Russian-Brit and 7 Russian opposition folks. Russian secret agent who killed a guy in a Berlin Park....was released from German prison and flew back into Russia.  All of this occurred in Germany where the 26 were divided up.

4.  So here's the shocker.....all this hype from 2022 about the heat-pump technology....well....there's now a belief that several of the German heat-pump manufacturing companies will fold up in 2025....because of a lack of sales. Quiet an amazing the technology was hyped up and dissolved in  just two years.  

5.  Another mosquito type fever now introduced into Germany.  Oropouche fever.

6.  Weird murder in my state of Hessen.  Teacher apparently stabbed and killed a female former school girl (age 19).....then killed himself.  Police still trying to figure out what kind of relationship was going on.  

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