Friday, August 23, 2024

23 August 2024: Three German News Stories

 1.  One odd factor in this Kursk, Russia invasion region?  Well...the Kursk  region  is kinda like the 'Iowa' of Russia....ton of fruit and vegetables grown locally.  If the Ukrainians could stage and hold the region for six'd put a massive amount of problems in bringing groceries to the urbanized zones of Russia.

2.  There's a small trend building up in Germany...where 'fake' policemen set up traffic stops and assess cash fines.  I was kinda surprised upon hearing the story.

They are apparently using the 'follow-me' blinking lights, to put you into a position where they suggest a fine is in order.  

3.  There's to be a new regional 'index' on German car insurance prices.

Yeah, you might discover that living in Saxony, Hessen or Pfalz....with your car....might be 30-percent more expensive in the coming year.  

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