Friday, August 23, 2024

Blood Feud Murder Story

 Earlier in the week, I essayed a piece over a murder in the Frankfurt train station....Turkish guy (27) got off a train, and a mid-50's Turk came up....shot the young guy in the head three times (dead).  So the cops quickly cornered the shooter and have been trying to figure out motive.

What the cops say this morning.

Long-running blood feud...leading back to Turkey.

So....two Kurdish families at the heart of the matter.

Back in 2016....a guy was shot dead in Turkey.....with the 27-year old dead guy in Frankfurt was the brother of the 2016 dead guy.  Family connections led 2016 brother to a local business man as the culprit for arranging the original shooting.

So this 27-year old guy (Frankfurt arrival person) went and killed the businessman believed to be at the heart of the trouble.

The businessman dead in Turkey?  His family demands revenge.  That 27-year old flew out of hide out in Germany.  Businessman's family figures out the schedule, and has a member of their family waiting to kill him in Frankfurt.

Odds of another the line of this blood feud?'s conceivable.  

Making a good plot for a movie?  Yeah, I would imagine that.  I could see some Tatort (Sunday night cop show) writer getting hyped-up to write this.  

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