Thursday, August 22, 2024

22 August 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  I mentioned yesterday....that odd shooting at the Frankfurt train station.  So more.

This train had just pulled in and some  younger guy had gotten off.....54-year old guy from Baden-Wurttemberg walked up....fired 3 rounds into the victim's head (fairly personal I assume).

Victim status?  Dead...but cops also note....he has no permanent address in Germany....telling you very little about his nationality.

One interesting part of the story....the victim fell to the ground after the first shot to the head....the shooter then fired two more rounds to finish him off.  I'd say it was awful 'personal' between the two, and they probably knew each other.

This AM....Focus noted that both shooter and victim were of Turkish background.

A lot of harsh commentary for the safety aspects around the Bahnhof....some saying it's not a place to linger (move through and leave as quickly as you arrived).

2.  Discover Airways (does a lot of vacation package trips)...has a strike action going on.  

3.  Regionally here in my Frankfurt/Darmstadt area....authorities are building a 50 km long fence along Autobahn keep Swine Flu wild boars on one side of the autobahn.  

Just shaking my would not take much to push the fence 'up' and sneak through.

4.  German journalists observing the Kursk invasion by Ukraine....say up to 3,000 Russian troops are 'stuck' in a trap....currently unable to escape (all 3 bridges blown up).

5.  Via Focus.....there's an instruction that came down from the Lower Saxony State Reception Authority....given to the Federal Police at Düsseldorf Airport.

It basically says: “If the person concerned refuses to board the plane or tries to resist deportation in another way (active/passive resistance), he or she can be released and return to the accommodation assigned to him or her independently.” 

Then the instruction  says something to the effect that you can send the deportation documents to the local responsible immigration authority.  

Basically, if you were on the deportee list and taken to the least in this state....just put up a fight, and the deportation ends (fails).

Yeah, it really got a few police bitter over the wording.

6.  Some political chatter by the Green Party yesterday.....words to the effect in 2025....they were open to a coalition under the CDU/CSU Party....under certain conditions.  

People are getting prepared for this new era after the fall 2025 election. Polls are indicating if people could get an early election....they'd 'appreciate' it more than waiting.

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