Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What If Tourists Watch The UK 'Events' Unfolding?

 There's some point where potential tourists (German, Italian, Japanese, American, New Zealand) enough riot coverage and PM 'don't-worry' speeches, and their view of a tour to the UK....slips to the level of visiting Lebanon, Haiti, or Burkina Faso.

We aren't at that level yet, but I'd suggest that if things don't simmer down by early September....the tourist numbers are going to reservations start to get cancelled.

On this level....I'm blaming right-wing, left-wing, the BBC, the PM, the Police, the Asian guys, social media, and newspapers.

The video with swords and machetes showing?  Well....yeah....that would disturb a fair number of folks.

Trying to say London is safe while the rest of the UK is no-go zone?  That won't work.

I'll just say it....the clock is ticking.  

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