Sunday, August 11, 2024

11 August 2024: Eight German News Stories

1.  I told the story on Friday...of a convicted Somali guy in Lower Bavaria who escaped from custody, and found later (re-arrested by the police).

Well....the police added a footnote Saturday...this Somali (convicted on murder charges)....who was considered "extremely dangerous"....was allowed to go to the supervised trip to a local theater...with supervision handled by a psychologist and an intern.  He wasn't really in prison....this appears to be a mental-holding facility. 

As for what movie he was watching?  Left out of the story.

I'm just guessing the cops are asking a lot of questions if this were the 'norm' and how you can be 'extremely dangerous' yet sitting in a theater watching a cowboys or aliens movie.

2.  Heat wave coming?  Monday, in my little  valley....high for the year at 33 C (91.4) be followed the next day by a cooling trend.  Weather guy insists that that is IT for summer of of August figured to be no more than 26 C.  I have to say it for my village....most moderate summer in 20-odd years.  AC unit stayed in the basement the whole time.

3.  The FDP Party brought up an unusual topic...parking in mid-town areas, under some type of flat-rate parking fee....wanting to sell this to the Green Party.

So the main thrust of this....a lot of towns (not the mega-cities like Frankfurt or Bremen)...have a commerce problem, with small shops suffering because of people avoiding mid-town areas.  To restage things...this idea is to have one single fee (not an hourly fee) and hope to get business bumped-up a bit.

4.  It's a long-winded story, but I'll try to tell it in a shortened fashion.  Down in the Stuttgart Vaihingen....the city council decided that they needed to have a permanent refugee housing solution.  They were going to create one housing area....totally dedicated to refugees.  

So when plan 'A' was presented in Feb.....this was slated at 9.3-million Euro...shocking the hell out of the audience gathered to hear the project.    Politically, this wasn't going to work.

The city sent the general idea out for another bid....less is better....was probably the catch-phrase.

So this past week.....the winner came forward at 5.5-million Euro.  But a new issue popped-up.

Where they intend to put the refugee the old city garbage dump (

Accommodation for refugees is to be built in Vaihingen/Enz.  However, criticism was pouring in from a voters' association. The association considers the location on a former garbage dump to be "unacceptable".

How much was the state (via the federal distribution program of money) was going to cover, period?  Well....around 1.3-million Euro.  The rest was on the back of the city itself.  

I'll just be blunt and say the crowd at this meeting was pretty 'sour'.  So the plan was sent back for further planning.  New bid established in the past 5.5-million Euro.  

That should have been it....but now a new topic has come up....where they intend to build this neighborhood.  It's apparently on the edge of what was the old city garbage dump.

Based off reading various pieces....the area is 'certified' as 'recovered' in some way....meaning they dropped a ton of top-soil on the area and landscaped it.  Owner of the property?  Well....the city itself.  There would be no cost, if this were the site. 

Will this fall through?  I'm guessing enough complaints will occur, and the city will be forced to find new property....meaning they'd probably have to buy such property, and we get back into a money-crunch situation...where folks are shocked over property prices.  Added to this burden....once you establish where the refugee housing will be and it's near any private housing....those folks will complain about the placement.

I don't see this project taking off anytime soon.

5.  Interesting political piece in WELT by Harold Martenstein....topic? The political boss of the new BSW Party is Sahra Wagenknecht.  So Martenstein points out this odd issue....a lot of what Wagenknecht hypes on in speeches....seems to be similar in nature to what you'd find in the right-wing AfD Party.

It's expected of the 3 states elections coming up in September....BSW probably will be a partner in a eventual coalition with the CDU in two of the states.  

Naturally, this discussion about points leading back to the AfD is coming now. 

I'm not saying the whole BSW program leads this way, but obviously....they've been designed in a way to lessen AfD votes, and bring those people over to BSW.

6.  Comment yesterday by Habeck (Economic Minister, Greens), he won't support a new tax on wood pellets.

7.  Kursk many locals left?

Russians say....76,000.  Whether it's true or not...unknown.

One odd thing I noticed in Kursk reporting....the journalists area suggesting a huge number of the newly deployed folks to repel the Ukrainians....are conscripts.  Marginal training? the suggestion is that a higher number of them will die.

8.  Watching N-TV this AM....noted three-quarters of German districts are in some type of bad financial situation.

What the President of the German Association of Districts says? There's likely to be cuts for sports clubs and museums....unless some federal emergency funding occurs.

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