Friday, August 30, 2024

The Thing About Polling

 I sat and watched a short piece off ARD's (public TV in Germany, Channel 1)....Tagesschau.  Topic?  ZAPP went and did a poll on German public concern of the news media stories concerning the Middle find that almost 50-percent of Germans don't believe much of what they are told.

ZAPP?  It's a NDR (public TV) media magazine....focused mostly off the NW section of Germany.

So  you'd this poll strictly focused on the Gaza 'war'?  Yeah.  

They drilled down into it, finding that  one-third of this distrust group said the problem was the slant was too-much pro-Israel chatter.  Around five-percent said it was too much pro-Palestinian.  Almost a quarter refused to discuss the lack of trust period.

I  suspect if you asked on more'd find similar numbers.  For example, if you asked about trust in media stories  on  climate change, tax reform,  or the decline in the school system of Germany...distrust might be at the 30 to 50 percent point as well.

This distrust worrying the public TV news people?  Well....if half the audience doesn't believe in what you are putting out....then you failed in some sort of way.

More polling in the future?  Yeah, I'd bet on it.

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