Friday, August 2, 2024

Four Long-Term Predictions

 1.  I've sat and watched the UK riot business over the past week.  Gov't says they will come down 'hard' on the bad-boys, but along the way.....they intend to silence a good bit of social media.  

I'll just the end of 2025....another 10,000 police positions will be created out of thin air, and at least two additional prisons will have to be funded/built.  

I'll also go and predict by 2026....around 700,000 Brits will be exiting the island....for Europe, Asia, Australia and Canada.  

2.  I'll go and predict that the entire heat-pump industry in Germany takes a hit, and 50-percent will be bankrupt or dissolved by the end of 2025....with the Green Party getting the bulk of the blame.  

I'll also go and predict that energy costs for those who 'flipped' to heat-pumps....will be a sore subject  with the majority of people who bought into the technology.

3.  I'll go and predict if Trump wins in the end of 2025....the order will be given to most (like 90-percent) of European-based US troops....are to be exiting by the end of 2027.  The US will remain in NATO....with a HQ's of some type either at Ramstein or Wiesbaden...with fewer than 3,000 personnel.

4.  I'll go and predict as the Ukraine-Russia peace treaty is finally worked the next twelve months that follow....more than 1-million Russians will exit Russia because of economic conditions....with the majority (figure one-third-of-a-million) going into Germany.  

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