Tuesday, August 6, 2024

6 Aug 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  In the AM news today....the Austrian version of 'Last Generation' activists....have said 'enough', and disbanded.  Various ways of looking at this.  I anticipate that the German group will follow within six months.

2.  Interesting statistic I saw today.....since 2015....12.5-million folks entered Germany with the idea of migration/asylum.  Oddly enough 7-million came and left....not staying.  

Various ways of looking at this exit number.

3.  Germany military preparing evacuation plans....in case of an Iran attack on Israel and trying to get German citizens out.

4.  Some kinda major power outage at the Frankfurt Airport.....emergency back-up power kicked on.  

5.  Numbers released...approximately 1.3-million Germans on a pension....still work.

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