Saturday, August 3, 2024

3 Aug 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Frankfurt is trying now to put on a China-fest (first ever).  So, there are Chinese ex-pats who live in the greater Frankfurt region who pushing to organize this.

Well....some chatter has started up with HR (the public TV journalists)....that to some degree...there is a effort to have Chinese gov't efforts in the middle of this.  

There's at least one other 'effort' in start up fests, having a political swing to the organization (from outside of the country).  Germans have wised up over this idea.

2.  Some chatter started up about 5-percent rule in voting, you have to get that number or get seats in the Bundestag.  Both VOLT and the Free-Voters party are saying it's time to allow parties getting a lesser percent into seats (no one says the number but I would guess 3-percent is what both want to legalize).

Now, if you asked me....are frustrated voters of the CDU and SPD....using VOLT and Free-Voters as a alternate party?  Yeah.  Are both a bit more left of center, or right of center?  Yep, you got it.

3.  Some chatter starting up within the SPD Party....very divided over US cruise missiles being deployed into Germany.  There was NOT a lot of open discussion over this, and I'd say presently....50-percent of SPD voters aren't that happy and might seek an alternate party in the fall of 2025 election.  Possibility of the agreement being reversed?  I'd give it about a 50-50 shot.

4.  New index came out on the most dangerous cities of the world....with one German city listed...Frankfurt (number 47 off this list).  They use various statistics to reach the conclusion.

I'd offer the observation....if you draw a 1-mile circle around the train-station....that's 98-percent of the problem.  Junkies, dealers, and schizophrenic folks.

City council aware of the problem?  Yeah.  They been bitched-at by the public for a good long decade now.  

My own advice, if traveling through the zone....just get off your train, and move to the next train.  Don't linger.  Walking out the front door of the station...make it a daylight experience and don't dwell out on the street observing the mess.

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