Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Ten Tips If You Ever Wanted To Attend A Riot Or Demonstration

 1.  Out of every hundred people there around you....expect one to be a undercover policeman.  He or she is not there to advance the cause....if you were wondering.

2.  The minute that rain starts up....riots or demonstrations typically end within 5 minutes (trust me, I've stood watched this oddity). 

3.  If everything was planned to be a 'peaceful' demonstration....the minute you see an indicator of violence, cars being overturned, or rocks thrown at the police...LEAVE. 

4.  Wear dark clothing, a hoody, and a mask...if possible.  If someone asks....just say you are with Antifa.  If real Antifa tries to connect up with you....this is the wrong place to buddy-buddy-up with someone.

5.  Out of every hundred people in a riot situation....besides the undercover cop....there's also the paid-agitator from some foundation or political stir you up and cause some planned action.  Once you figured out this scheme....again....leave the demonstration or riot.

6.  Don't do interviews for newspapers or bloggers.

7.  Bring water along and sip occasionally.

8. Plan your arrival/entrance, and the exit/withdrawal.   

9.  Whatever the purpose of the riot/demonstration should be able to explain it in two lines.  If you can't really grasp the purpose....don't go.

10.  The minute you see the water-sprayer-truck....get the hell out of the situation quickly.   Don't wait.

I say all of this from three real-life experiences....all three being just accidentally at the wrong-place-wrong-time (once in Munch, once in Frankfurt, and once in Panama  City, Panama).  For some reason, since I stood there in the three episodes....I've always had this interest in watching demonstrations progress.  I don't encourage anyone to go out and get into such a situation.....but if you are going to that extreme....have a understanding, and don't get stupid or detained.

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