Saturday, August 17, 2024

Fake News Chatter

 If you can find an issue WELT newspaper for today....there's an interesting piece written by Anna Schneider...worth reading.  Topic?  "Lies are legal."

So what she goes into detail about...various members of the German political system/government....with members of the EU....believe they have to go and protect people from fake news/false information/disinformation/etc.

But as Schneider points out.....there's also a group of the same 'players'....who are helping to spread fake news. 

I sat and read through a Labor Ministry piece today....they've decided to spend around 8-million Euro with a media create 'balanced' and fair stories on all the good things that the Ministry is doing.  

A mini-propaganda machine? suggest it'll all be factual and portray the good side of the labor market and jobs situation in Germany.

If you asked working-class Germans about the bull$hit-factor....they'd grin and say they can generally see bull$hit....especially if from the political parties.  

Kids and teenagers?  I'm not so sure.  From the last decade of Merkel....there wasn't a lot of respect from the German juveniles, and invented criticisms popped-up monthly.

The positive side of all this fake news chatter?  People are more guarded and judgmental.....compared to the 1980s.  

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