Thursday, August 15, 2024

Movie From Last Night

 Last night, I ended up watching a ARD (German public TV, Channel 1) movie from 2021...'Das Haus' (The House).

So the slant of this movie...revolves around two topics....AI and society unraveling into a civil war.

Some German journalist has been relieved from work....for telling a slant of news that is discouraged (this is supposed to be 2029 in the future).  'Huns' has gone off to some remote island of Germany.....with a ultra-modern by AI. 

Yes, 'Huns' is peeved and disgruntled over the mess.

Early on in this get the impression that the AI module in the a threat (won't open doors).

TV stories pop up....civil conflict starting up and society falling apart (at least from a German prospective).

I'll just say in the final 20 minutes....the daughter of this guy (with the boyfriend) end up being set-up and murdered by the house AI system.  Also, the boss shows up on the island and wants material that the journalist has written (it goes badly for the boss in the end). 

Closing scene.....the wife has the material....the House AI has locked the guy into the house and he can't escape (while the wife is outside and does leave).

It was an interesting scenario....but combining the AI with the civil conflict deal...just didn't work.

The one thing that the movie does do?  Well....Germans are generally being fed (spoon by spoon) have a healthy negativity about AI and where things are going.  The movie just reinforces that attitude.

My one critical note?  Well....the island scene (takes up 99-percent of the movie) is NOT a German island  (this is an actual real the Swedish coast).  After reviewing the history of the movie....yeah, they needed a ultra-modern  site for the house scenes, and this Swedish home (actually on an island) fits the script perfectly.

As for a recommendation....yeah, it's worth watching but don't take it too serious.

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