Monday, August 12, 2024

Three Things

1.  I got up early this AM and watched the end-ceremony of the Olympics....just 12 min of clips.

Maximum artsy stuff, and eventually....I just played it mute (no sound). Remind me in four years....just leave out the opening and closing ceremony.

2.  Massive anti-tourist protest in Mallorca, Spain over the weekend.  I'll just say it....this is gradually building up, and eventually (probably three years in the future)....the Germans will wake up and cease using Spain as a vacation destination.  GDP in Spain will drop in a massive way, but that's the public sentiment....fewer tourists.

3.  There WILL be a open debate within the Bundestag over this idea of medium-range US cruise missiles being 'stored' in Germany.  Not sure if there is broad-support within the SPD Party.  

With implications of the fall 2025 election....I'd suggest this one single debate....will not be the last discussion over the idea.  

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