Saturday, August 24, 2024

Car Talk

 My German wife and I got into a discussion (some  might refer to it as a argument).  The topic?  Her 2007 Audi TT.....has a light issue.  It comes and goes.  The regular non-Audi mechanic....finally said....he won't  touch the issue.  As he's the cabling for the rear of the car, and the 'harness' needs a replacement.

The meaning here?  It means a trip to the Audi shop (across the river...into Mainz).

For the wife, ever thinking of saving a 'nickel' means a likely bill of 700 Euro.

I've taken the car over three times in the past decade...mostly for serious issues, and you never walk out without having spent 2,000 Euro.  

Here's the thing about the 2007 Audi TT.....for a car of this age....there's been very few repairs.  For the first ten years.....other than brake pads and light problems ever occurred.  

As a dad was a Ford guy, and we probably took at least one of the vehicles (always a Ford) over for an entire day of work.   Other than a water cooler and some 20-year old couch to sit upon.....there was nothing 'inviting' at a Ford service shop.

The Audi service  center?  They offer you a coffee or tea upon arrival.  The place is air-conditioned.  The furniture is new stuff....out of some 5-star shop.  The people you see....almost all looking like male/female models....dressed in fancy clothing. You feel like you are in a movie studio production center.

Selling you on a Audi-image.....while the mechanics work on your car?  Yeah.  In a way, I guess you don't feel quiet as bad about the 2,000 Euro bill in the end.  


Bigus Macus said...

If it passes inspection the way it is why worry?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I would imagine a 40-year-old Audi would still pass the TUV (worrying only about tires). It's that stupid error code warning that pops up when you crank it. And the newer A5? There's over 1,000 potential error codes with it. I liked the older 1970s cars with no error codes.