Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Humble View

 The Bundestag opens back up shortly (after summer vacation) and the number one topic (because of media exposure)....will be the migrant topic, the Solingen knife assault, and fixing the deportee problem.

So I watched public TV last night (ZDF)....and a graphic popped up for about 8's the number of deportees at the beginning of 2024...waiting to be sent out.  Number?  In the 75,000 range.  So far in 2024?  Well....they say around 5,000 to 6,000.  Even with 'good-luck'....they probably won't get past the 10,000 point for the year.

Blame?  It  goes across various discussion points.  

Pressure on the Bundestag to react?  Yeah.  But internal pressure within the system is likely to hinder things.

So I'm going to  predict the outcome over the next 60 days:

1.  Weapon-Zones will be established in all train-stations, onboard all trains, and cities will be given the green-light to expand into shopping districts.  Meaning?  You can send active police patrols out....demanding an ID and a frisk.  It also means that if you encounter someone with a knife during the frisk....they get a court-invite....and a likely assessment of 5,000 Euro.

2.  I think some handcuff routine will start with failed asylum folks, where the paperwork is delivered to you, with a patrol of four guys to drag you to a 'compound'....where you will remain until the plane leaves.  Even if it takes  three probably will be staying in custody.

3.   There's going to be a discussion....if you fail the asylum application...state-funding for you probably will end within a month or two after the failed paperwork is given to you.  

Beyond these things....I don't see much else to be accomplished.  

More knife assaults to occur?  Yeah, I'd bet on that trend.

Which party is most affected in a negative way?  Well....the Green Party. I'd also list the SPD....simply because of ineffective leadership presently.

All of this fear...affecting late-night activities?  No one has suggested that yet, but if you were around Frankfurt after 10 PM on a Friday night....yeah, I  might be wondering about the safety factor.

A final note...99-percent of the knife incidents are male-related (I've only seen one female noted in the past year).  Public forums don't discuss this statistic much.  

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