Sunday, August 18, 2024

18 Aug 2024: Seven German News Stories

1.  I sat and read through a Focus piece yesterday....talking over Germany and 'heat'.

 They threw out this 'fact'....saying RKI (Robert Koch Institute) figures by end of July this year in Germany....1,200 Germans died in some way related to heat....most of them over age 85.

I paused with the data.....someone else two weeks ago had a heat article....saying on average....about 200 Germans a year die in some way from heat.

This RKI estimate?  They are simply saying in some way.....dehydration and sun-stroke....figure into some deaths.  

I spent four years of my life in Arizona....where this was a daily topic, and people were careful about their daily business.  

Overdramatic? just don't know if that many Germans are just not paying attention, or failing to sip water.

2. This cut-off of German funding to Ukraine?  It goes to one single subject....they can't make the budget balance, and cutting off the funding is the last resort thing....nothing else.

This BS that it relates to the Nord Stream explosion?  Just plain BS....the Germans have crafted themselves into a corner, and there's x-number of programs that must be funded....with nothing left for the war business.

Now, if you asked...did the insiders of the SPD/FDP know about the connection of the Ukrainian gov't to the blow-up act six months ago?  Yeah, I'd put money on that idea, and yeah....maybe some of them are a bit peeved (but they can't say that in public).

3. Commentary from the Saxony region.....state election shortly.  Green Party folks are in some despair mood....there's just no one in the state who really respects them or their 'message'

4.  Boris Becker getting married a 3rd time.

5.  Some bust-out of a mental-hospital occurred in Bavaria yesterday....four 'very-dangerous' individuals now on the loose.  Vast man-hunt underway.

6.  Some Ukrainian chatter.....with this advancement into Kursk....a serious number of conscripts were captured, and the talk is....some kind of trade of prisoners will take place shortly.

7.  CDU Party (right-of-center) talking a bit over the idea of raising the retirement age....because the pension program is not that 'safe'.  Older Germans won't like this discussion.

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