Monday, August 5, 2024

Elon Musk's Claim 'Civil War Is Inevitable'

 Basically, Elon was asked about things in the UK, and his general response....without getting wordy or reading of some 14-line prepared statement....he simply said 'civil war is inevitable.'

Sending a message?  No.

Trying to be a consensus figure or peace-maker?  No.

An expert on civil war?  No.

Has he read any books on civil war? Maybe, but I doubt it. 

Owns any part of the mess in the UK or Ireland?  Well....the best you can say is that he owns Twitter, and people can comment via Twitter....beyond, he's not really profiting from saying the inevitable statement.

Pissing off PM Starmer?  Well....yeah.   Starmer, being the 10th marginal PM since Thatcher.  I might give a point or two to Tony Blair, and maybe half-a-point to Cameron....but face it, it's been a 50-year drought where you might have someone with some sense for the job.

I do agree...Elon should limit himself to just E-cars, tunnels, rockets, and important stuff.  Skip the civil war BS. 

All of this BS limited to just the UK and Ireland?  Well....if you kinda poked around....there's migration stuff going on in Sweden, France, Spain.  

The sad thing here is that 300,000 Brits will go home tonight....sip on some ale and ask the do civil wars typically go.  The bar-keep....having read seven pages of Wiki-material...will just say it's a bloody affair and it'll ruin the premier soccer season.  

Odds of a curfew organized by this weekend?  I'd put up 20 Euro on that bet.  I'd also bet on Twitter being cut-off by Saturday evening in the UK.  

Finally, just a side least 20,000 Brits are probably asking what inevitable means.  


Der Penguin said...

The football season and 20k are some of your better comments yet! Musk is very full of himself and is becoming tiresome. He could care less what I or anyone else thinks though.

Daz said...

He's just trying to put a deposit on a pardon for when his criminal behaviour catches up with him.

Starmer will be the most boring yet competent prime minister the UK has had in 50 years.

Daz said...

That bet didn't age well