Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Eight Out Of Ten Story

 Someone in Germany did a poll, asking if Germans could vote in the US election....who would they vote for, and the end-result of the poll was eight out of ten saying they'd vote for Harris.

After pondering this a while....I came to three observations.

If you asked Germans if they want a 'snap-election' (like right now)....the last time I saw a said 75-percent said 'OH YEAH, NOW'.  The majority are fed up with both the Chancellor, and the coalition gov't (SPD-Green-FDP).

If you asked Germans if the gov't has over-stepped itself in support of Ukraine (against Russia)...we've almost reached the point where 50-percent aren't that supportive of Ukraine anymore.  I'm not saying they are pro-Putin or pro-Russia (even though 20-percent might suggest that).....I'm just saying the war has reached a point where Germans don't care.

If you had asked the same Germans six weeks ago....Biden or Trump....eight out of ten would have said 'Joe Biden'....even if he had dementia.  It's not that they improved any's just that they've been brought to this point.  You could change out Harris tomorrow, and get Governor Newsom in, and the same eight out of ten number would exist.

I should also note this....from 1983 timeframe, if you'd asked West Germans if they believed the 60-volume Hitler diary business were legit....roughly 90-percent would have said absolutely and saying Stern magazine would never lie.  About six weeks later....99-percent would have stood there in the whole thing was faked-up.  The management of desperate in wanting to believe they were being handed legit diaries....overlooked dozens of problems.  


Bigus Macus said...

As to Trump to the Germans. “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” Plato

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I don't care over the slant of the story....but it is amusing...they voted themselves into the corner with Scholtz (SPD) and it took less than a year for most Germans ask about a fresh new election. Most will tell you inflation, cost-of-living, and worry over downsizing of companies or industry...are the top subjects for the approaching election now. Anyone from the SPD or Greens fitting their 'dream' candidate? No. I'm not even sure someone from the CDU or CSU would fulfill the 'dream' candidate position.