Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Necessity Of Shaking A Woman's Hand In Civilized Society

 I sat and watched a video...where a noted lady (will skip the name) was in a public setting, with cameras to note her appearing at a public institution....where Islamic migrants were present and part of a 'dog-and-pony' show.

For those not understanding the meaning of a 'dog-and-pony' show....this is usually a PR event where public money has been spent, and some bigwig (usually five to ten guests) have come to see how people are thrilled over the expenditure of money has lifted people from the 'pits'.

So in this group.....the noted lady arrived by car, and cameras were showing up having a face-to-face meeting....with her hand stretched out, and of the three guys of the facility....two were non-Muslim and shook the lady's hand.  The 3rd guy....the Muslim migrant...took his right hand and placed over his heart...refusing to shake the lady's hand.

I'm not saying the action is right or's just that it's often perceived in a negative fashion.

I went to a number of German language classes (2014 to 2017).  This got brought up early in class number one....female teacher (about 80-percent of the instructors I had....were female)...came around to each desk to shake hands.  Everyone in the group (about 50-percent divided, male/female) shook hands.  She made it clear...issues had popped up in previous classes, and if you didn't shake her hand....she arranged for your removal from the class.  Yeah, she, being German, wasn't going to put up with BS.

The one key thing one can take from society in Germany in 2024....women are equals.  Pretty good chance that as you advance through work or politics in will encounter and respect women.  

Playing the I-don't-need-shake-your-hand game?  I wouldn't advise it.  It's like the I-don't-need-to-recycle game or I-don't-need-to-respect-the-police game.  

At some point in the welcome-to-Germany process....there should have been an entire day explaining German expectations and cultural differences.  Then it should have been made accept this new 'level' of life as part of the guest rules. If you felt this was should have moved on and found a better landscape to settle upon.

The whole of German society depending on mutual respect?  Well....yeah, things have gone to this extent.    

Oh, and if you were wondering about the incident with the lady?  No....this was not a German situation.  

1 comment:

Just a Worker said...

A female friend from Egypt explained to me the policy of not touching or shaking women's hands was seen as being out of respect for the woman... that you couldn't just come and poke at her.

Now, refusing an outstretched hand... feels like a different situation. Though you could offset the tension with some non-verbal gesture of respect. The hand at heart sounds just like that. Peace for all.