Sunday, August 4, 2024

Where This UK Crisis Situation Will Lead Onto

 I'll make five observations:

1.  Starmer (the new PM) is probably not the guy you want in a crisis period.  I would imagine his 'clock' is  ticking and the no confidence vote might come as early mid-September.  I'm not saying things improve with him replaced....just that people aren't seeing much positive out of his 'leadership'

2.  This two-tier policing sense that the public now has....even if it were 50-percent true....what exactly would you do to fix this and sell a one-tier police policy to the Muslim population, and the Brit population itself?  

You could sense this developing around a decade it's a bit too late.

3.  If you do say that the police are the answer.....I'd respond and say you need an immediate 10,000 man recruitment campaign and plan on adding the extra police manpower by summer of 2025.  

4.  The moment when crowds and thugs determine that the police themselves are the problem?  That'll be the true crisis stage where civil conflict has developed.  In a matter of a week, I could see this stage developing and creating a chaos stage where Army troops would have to be called into the situation to maintain order.

5.  The answer here being to detain/arrest 10,000 protest folks and house them in jails?  

Do you have the jail-space already?  And if they were working-folks....what's the plan to replace 'Joe' (in jail for 12 months)?  Do you have 10,000 migrants ready to hand the jobs over to?

Something about this....doesn't make a lot of sense.

So a final observation....whatever you see in the UK....has the possibility to cross the Channel and be part of the problem in Spain, Italy, France or Germany.  


Bigus Macus said...

Don't forget that the same thing is going on in Ireland for the same reasons.

Their governments seem to be tone deaf and are following Brussels orders as are the other EU countries.

The only European countries that are free from this problem are Hungry, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Well...yeah, that is the other odd thing...the Irish 2024 'rebellion' is developing.

I anticipate by the end of August (in both Ireland/UK)...some effort will be made to shut down social media (Twitter in particular).

I also anticipate that some forces of the UK Army are being drawn into a planning stage (certain urbanized areas) where they probably will be deployed into and some curfews will be set up by the end of August. Whether the Army members take orders and carry out patrols on UK soil? Anyone's guess. It would just make matter worse, in my humble view.

Whether they grasp it or not...BREXIT was a start-up stage where they should have figured out migration is a key public frustration.

Daz said...

The Conservatives spent 14 years running down the Police and Prison systems, and won't be fixed in a month. Under the last labor government there were actually over 10000 more police (trained and experienced), and it's going to be hard to fill that gap in a single term as experience is key in policing by consent.